Product Description
Knowledge of anatomy is the very foundation of excellence and is essential to developing the artistic perception and judgement needed to create natural restorations in any case.
Gain certainty of each individual feature of posterior anatomy and increase your ability to produce beautiful posterior crowns and bridges in wax, composite or porcelain.
This TechBook covers:
- The five basic features of primary anatomy.
- Precise definitions that will help you differentiate and visualize every feature of posterior anatomy.
- The one feature that determines the position of all other occlusal features.
- 3 tooth numbering systems.
- The terminology to confidently communicate with anyone about posterior tooth anatomy.
Simplifying Posterior Dental Anatomy has been translated into several languages. Some translations are available for purchase from our regional resellers. These languages are available for purchase on this site:
- English
- Spanish - Simplificación Posterior Anatomía Dental
- German - Vereinfachte Seitenzahnanatomie
- Russian - Популярная анатомия боковых зубов
- Turkish - Arka Dişlerin Anatomisinin Basitleştirilmesi